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Bombora | Albacross

A Bombora-Powered Partner

From early-stage awareness to late-stage decision, Albacross has integrated Bombora Company Surge® to equip customers with the insights needed to enhance engagement and increase conversion.

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Albacross Overview

Albacross is a Europe-based company that offers a B2B platform designed to help businesses generate leads and enhance their marketing efforts. Albacross tracks the businesses visiting your website, provides data and insights into visitors’ behavior, and enables personalized marketing campaigns. This software transforms anonymous website traffic into actionable data, giving sales and marketing teams a leg up in their outreach efforts.

Combined with Bombora Company Surge® Intent data, organizations gain the full marketing and sales perspective, engaging prospects and accounts across the entire buyer journey with first and third-party Intent signals.


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How does Albacross use Intent data?

  1. Track the holistic buyer journey of your target accounts by using Bombora Company Surge® to understand engagement from the initial research phases through active solution exploration.
  2. Score and prioritize accounts with research signals and first-party, on-website intent to understand which accounts are in-market and how to engage them with timely, relevant messaging that will resonate with your buying committee.
  3. Align your sales and marketing teams on predictive and competitive buying signals.



What are the benefits of this?

  • Prioritize opportunities and strategically plan your outreach to best-fit target accounts by predicting what they are interested in and when they are ready to buy.
  • Increase your audience and prospect quality by focusing on in-market buyers.
  • Align your sales and marketing strategy at every stage of the buyer journey from ‘problem-aware’ to ‘closed won.’
  • Gather first and third-party data in a single dashboard and combine these metrics for next-level insight and analytics.

"Our primary marketing analysis has previously been focused on Google Analytics, however, this only gave us some audience data and not the full picture. It didn't help us understand fully if we are reaching the right kind of audience and the right businesses. Albacross has done very well in helping us understand our audience much deeper."

Josephus Ayoola, Digital and Growth Marketing Manager at Alpega Group

"Usually our conversion rate is at about 6%, and with accounts enriched by Albacross Intent data, we can get 11% conversion rate, which is huge for us. Albacross provides us crucial information on which pages accounts have visited, how long the visits were, and the number of visits, to name a few. Their Intent data has become an important part of our Intent signals project."

Gauvain Thery, International Growth Accelerator Manager at Payfit

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