Bombora | Similarweb
A Bombora-Powered Partner
Similarweb has integrated with Bombora Company Surge® to help organizations understand which of their ideal prospects are looking to buy so they can take action and get to them first.
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Similarweb Overview
Similarweb Sales Intelligence provides sales teams with the key features we’ve come to expect from a sales intelligence platform and combines them with their best-in-class traffic & engagement data so you can sell more effectively to online businesses.
20.4M+ online businesses. 370M+ contacts.
100+ filters.
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How does Similarweb use Intent data?
- Focus on accounts that convert. With Bombora Company Surge® and Similarweb’s Sales Signals (traffic changes, news, technology changes), you can focus on the businesses that are sending out timely, actionable, in-market signals.
- Find opportunities before your competitors. With Similarweb, you’ll be able to discover up-and-coming prospects before your competitors — and then use Company Surge® to monitor their in-market research behavior and interests.
- Improve outbound response rates. Use Company Surge® and Similarweb to personalize your outreach and create messages based on what prospects are looking for.
What are the benefits of this?
- Increase conversion rates: Focus on the right leads at the right time with the right insights.
- Shorten sales cycles: Enter the buyer journey sooner — and turn the odds in your favor.
- Reduce customer churn: Monitor customers for churn risk or upsell opportunities.
- Increase rep productivity: Prioritize your efforts where they have the greatest impact.
"In the current market, with competition being so fierce, arriving at the party after your competitors significantly reduces your chances of closing the deal."
Or Offer Similarweb, CEO
"By leveraging Bombora's Company Surge® inside Similarweb Sales Intelligence, you can discover who in your target market is researching what you sell, locate contacts likely to be making those searches, and create the perfect message based on their searches and level of intent. It's that easy."
Or Offer Similarweb, CEO