Get the workbook to learn how to build an effective lead scoring model that includes Intent data

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Leads are a double-edged sword. Passing all of them to sales can easily overwhelm them, leading to burnout or distrust of future leads. Extra activity from unqualified leads, or leads that aren't in-market, can distract from the accounts and leads who are most likely to convert. 

Building an effective lead scoring model puts those problems to rest.

Lead scoring assigns a dynamic score to leads and helps define their priority over others to determine when they're ready to engage with sales. Creating a quality lead scoring model can help marketing and sales:

  1. Tell at a glance which leads have the highest level of interest
  2. Create an informed view of how a lead has engaged with your business and the actions that they've taken
  3. Improve alignment on a clear definition of when a lead is qualified and ready to be passed off from marketing to sales
  4. Personalize the buying journey and meet customers where they are based on their demonstrated level of interest

Download our Intentional Lead Scoring Workbook to learn how to start building a lead scoring model with our templated worksheet, step-by-step guide, and tips on how to evolve its effectiveness over time.

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“When we used Company Surge® scores as a prioritization mechanism, we saw 2-3x reply rates compared to not using the data. We felt really confident about the Intent data showing strong signals about who is in market.”

The Intentional 

Lead Scoring Workbook

- Casey Carey, CMO at Kazoo